I'm Feeling 22

When I began 1st grade, I was 4 and when I graduated high school, I had just turned 17. Safe to say, I've always been the baby of my friend group and my grade. That's why when everyone was turning 21 and  I was turning 20 I was so annoyed. I didn't even want to go to clubs and drink, I just wanted to go places with my friends and be able to hang out with them if they wanted to go out and drink. With that said, I'm sure you could see why turning 21 was a surreal and exciting experience for me last year. I had my first ever legal mimosa at my all time favorite nail place, went out with some friends to a local bar that night and drank my fair share of strawberry mojitos, and was gifted a fabulous collection of alcohol. I was finally able to enter a bar after 9 p.m., order a drink with dinner, and walk into BevMo to purchase my favorite wine. If we are being honest though, I was probably the most boring 21 year old you'd ever meet. I enjoy my wine and an occasional mixed drink, but beyond that, I don't drink a whole lot. My reasoning is fairly simple; I've seen a lot of bad come from alcohol. I've seen people have life setbacks, experience car related incidents due to alcohol, and just flat out make stupid decisions that they regret the next morning. Now because of these life experiences, i'm not going to block it all out and curse the drinks I enjoy, but I've learned to control it. Yes, i'm a woman who likes control-deal with it. :) 
And let me make one thing clear before I finish this mini PSA (ha), I don't judge anyone for drinking because I would be what we like to call a hypocrite. All I ask is that my friends and family are safe when they drink and have fun responsibly! :)

This year, on May 2nd, I turned the wise age of 22. I'm debating playing "22" by Taylor Swift every morning for the next year so I can enjoy this age to it's fullest extent. Too much? Okay anyways, this year I was a lot more laid back about celebrating my birthday. I've been so busy and overwhelmed with my day-to-day schedule and didn't feel like planning anything for myself and I didn't really want to bug anyone with it. At the same time, I was so excited to celebrate my birthday this year because last year, Josh was still in school up at Montana State and wasn't able to celebrate in person with me. This was also my first year celebrating a birthday with some of my newest and closest friends I've gained because of having Josh in my life and I wanted to still make them part of my special day. I didn't really know what to do. I had friends ask what I had planned and I just told them nothing special because I was feeling weird about turning such a random age and was way too exhausted to plan anything. I planned my actual birthday day around breakfast with Josh, a mani/pedi, a shopping trip to Vita Luna Boutique, and ending the night sitting on the beach and watching the sunset. My friend Anna was not happy that I wasn't making a bigger deal and decided to plan a birthday dinner for me with the help of Josh as well. Am I blessed or what? I told her Miguel's, mine and Josh's favorite spot in Coronado, sounded amazing and she set it all up for this past Saturday night. Over 20 of my closest friends came out to celebrate me and I was so overwhelmed with love. I can't thank those of you that came enough and I hope you all know how much you mean to me! I was gifted with some adorable presents and some of the most amazing memories. 

I showed up at Josh's house the morning of my birthday for breakfast before he headed off to work and I found this adorable pink balloon tied outside. My heart melted.

 My free birthday drink from Starbucks and bright nails were a must have that day. 

 My favorite store in the whole world posted this on their Facebook page! Loved getting this adorable new top to wear for dinner with Josh and this gorgeous and fun dress to wear for my birthday dinner!

 God bless this amazing man that helped me celebrate being 22!

 Some fun pictures from my birthday dinner! :)

My best friend Addie and I are exactly 1 day and 1 year apart and we always love to do something fun to celebrate our birthdays just the two of us! We treated ourselves to massages and lunch by the pool at one of my favorite places in the world, The Rancho Bernardo Inn. I'm slightly obsessed which is dangerous for my wallet. We had so much fun relaxing, munching on delicious food poolside, and exchanging gifts! (The waitress surprised us with adorable little cupcakes too!) So blessed by this woman and our friendship!

Walking away from the beach Friday night, Josh asked me if I felt any older. The look on his face was hilarious when I said, "yes." I wasn't saying it to be funny, I honestly do feel older. I've been able to accomplish so much this past year as far as my career goes as well as my relationships with my friends, Josh, and The Lord. It's been a big year for me, no doubt, but I feel like finally being over the ages of 16, 18, and 21, people can finally start taking me seriously and know that I mean business. I mean business when it comes to furthering my relationship with the Lord, growing my friendships, and conquering my career. I can't wait to see what this year has in store for me and the journeys I will embark on. 

God Bless you all


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